Is it worth doing billboard marketing in Malaysia?

Is billboard advertising obsolete? That’s the inquiry we aim to address. However, before examining the situation in Malaysia, it is crucial to assess the global scenario. Consequently, our initial step is to review existing research conducted by others. One such study conducted by Charles R. Taylor et al (1) delved into the utilization and effectiveness of billboards. The researchers sought to understand the reasons behind companies utilizing billboards as a marketing tool. Although the study identified various motives, branding and location emerged as the primary factors influencing billboard selection. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that this research was conducted in 2006, and our objective is to obtain the most up-to-date information.

To that end, we turn to another study conducted in 2022 by Altrjman et al (2). Their research aimed to explore the impact of fundamental elements of billboard advertisements on their effectiveness. Multiple studies were carried out to analyze the viability and efficacy of advertising expenditures, identifying various internal and external factors that directly influence the effectiveness of billboard advertising, according to the researchers’ perspective.

Despite considering these two research papers, among others, we have yet to find a definitive answer to our initial question. Consequently, we decided to conduct a small “experiment” ourselves. We pick a route from point A to point B, capturing numerous photographs of billboards along the way. Based solely on our observations, approximately 30% of billboards in Malaysia appeared to be vacant. Below, you can find some of the photographs we captured.



Empty Billboard next to a highway

Empty Billboard on a Flyover

You might also ask, “What about digital billboards?” We have a photo of an empty digital billboard as well.

Empty Digital Billboard

The question that arises is, why are there so many empty billboards? Have businesses moved to digital marketing? One could argue about the effectiveness of billboard marketing in relation to the cost of advertising it (trust me, you wouldn’t want to know how much it costs to rent a billboard space for your advertisement). One could also assume that everyone is so busy with their daily lives that they wouldn’t even bother to glance at those billboards. Instead of paying for a service that no one pays attention to, why not start spending on digital advertising? Digital marketing can target specific customers for the products and services that a business provides. It also gets the job done quickly.

Despite all of that, our observation shows that about 70% of billboards are still being used by companies as a form of advertising. Who are these companies that are still paying for billboard advertising? Who are the big players in this industry? We will cover these topics in our future articles.

Here are some additional thoughts on the topic:
– Billboards can be an effective form of advertising for businesses that want to reach a large audience.
– Digital marketing can be a more cost-effective way to reach a specific audience.
– The future of advertising may lie in a combination of both traditional and digital methods.

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  1. Taylor, Charles & Franke, George & Bang, Hae-Kyong. (2006). Use and Effectiveness of Billboards: Perspectives from Selective-Perception Theory and Retail-Gravity Models. Journal of Advertising – J ADVERTISING. 35. 21-34. 10.2753/JOA0091-3367350402.
  2. Altrjman, Ghaiath & al-ali, Asaad & Momani, Raed & Al-Daoud, Khaleel. (2022). Moderating impact of billboard location and quality on the relationship between advertisement elements and its goals. Innovative Marketing. 18. 26-38. 10.21511/im.18(2).2022.03.